Forever Yours,
the Land

Palmer Land Trust



"I think the Design Rangers exceeded our expectations at literally every turn... There wasn't a point where I wasn't just blown away by the work they were doing with us." – Darcie Hannigan, Communications and Community & Outreach, Palmer Land Trust

Quick stats:

Palmer Land Trust hoped to increase awareness of their organization and the role they play in land conservation within Colorado Springs’ outdoor enthusiasts. So we asked ourselves, “what would the land say?” This approach lent the land a true voice. Its almost self-deprecating tone feels playful and surprising. And the campaign’s mark ties the whole concept together, acting as a signature to a love letter signed, “Forever yours, the land.”

More to the story

The trail doesn't end there

Rangers believe in partnerships over projects. That’s why we continued to extend Palmer Land Trust’s campaign into additional messages and mediums – including stickers, plaques, sidewalk clings and more.

Discover your authentic self

Attend Personality Camp

We offer a single-day intensive camp for our clients who want to bring their brand’s personality forward. Find out if you’re the right scout for camp!

Let's start a project

Meet with a Ranger

Every Ranger-led expedition starts with a 45 minute, complimentary Discovery Session where we get to know you and your goals.

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